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The Pink Pill for Women
So, you have had a busy day, between the kids, the dogs, your dinner preparation and your mother-in-law, your mind is probably settling in on a relaxing bubble bath and is miles away from a little nooky. Of course all women experience days like these, though do you find that more often than not you simply don’t feel interested in having sex?
The Pink Pill is a unique non-prescription formulation of natural herbs and Phytonutrients that helps to increase a woman’s sexual desire and function.
So, you have had a busy day, between the kids, the dogs, your dinner preparation and your mother-in-law, your mind is probably settling in on a relaxing bubble bath and is miles away from a little nooky. Of course all women experience days like these, though do you find that more often than not you simply don't feel interested in having sex?
The Pink Pill is a unique non-prescription formulation of natural herbs and Phytonutrients that helps to increase a woman’s sexual desire and function.
What is in the Pink Pill?
Each potent capsule consists of:
Cnidium Monnier:
Cnidium Monnier is a Chinese herb that has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a remedy for a variety of skin ailments and as a reproductive aid and aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire in both men and women. Today, we are told that it assists the body in producing nitric oxide, which relaxes smooth muscles and works to encourage healthy sexual function, and it has been used to treat male sexual dysfunction. It also shows promise in the areas of osteoporosis, allergies and carcinoma research.
Catuaba has a long history of use in herbal medicine as an aphrodisiac. It is the most famous of all Brazilian aphrodisiac plants. In Brazilian herbal medicine today, Catuaba is considered a central nervous system stimulant with aphrodisiac properties. A bark decoction is commonly used for sexual impotency, agitation, nervousness, nerve pain and weakness, poor memory or forgetfulness, and sexual weakness. Catuaba is beneficial to men and women as an aphrodisiac.
Main Benefits:
o as an aphrodisiac and libido stimulant for males and females
o to tone, balance, and calm the central nervous system (and for nerve pain, exhaustion, over
.. stimulation)
o for nervousness, emotional stress, and insomnia (related to overactive neurotransmitters)
o as a general tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)
o for poor memory, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia
Muira Puama:
Historically, all parts of Muira Puama have been used medicinally, but the bark and roots are the most-utilized parts of the plant. It has long been used in the Amazon by indigenous peoples for a number of purposes. In Brazilian herbal medicine, Muira Puama still is a highly-regarded sexual stimulant with a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac. It has been in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia since the 1950s. It is used as a neuromuscular tonic for weakness and paralysis, dyspepsia, menstrual disturbances, chronic rheumatism (applied topically), sexual impotency, grippe, and central nervous system disorders. Muira Puama is employed around the world today in herbal medicine. It is also used in Europe to treat impotence, infertility, nerve pain, menstrual disturbances, and dysentery. In Germany, Muira Puama is employed as a central nervous system tonic, for hookworms, menstrual disturbances, and rheumatism. Muira Puama has been gaining in popularity in the United States, where herbalists and health care practitioners are using it for impotence, depression, menstrual cramps and PMS, nerve pain, and central nervous system disorders.
Avena Sative
Oat Straw is not a bona fide aphrodisiac, but it does nourish the nerves, making tactile sensations more pleasurable. Oat Straw is one of the best remedies for "feeding" the central nervous system, especially when under stress. It is considered a specific in cases of nervous debility & exhaustion, especially when associated with depression. Oat Straw may be used with most of the other herbal nerviness’, both relaxant and stimulatory, to strengthen the nervous system.
L Arginine:
The amino acid L-Arginine is considered the most potent Nutraceutical ever discovered, due to its powerful healing properties, and is referred to by scientists as the Miracle Molecule. The remarkable properties of L-Arginine were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine, and since then have created a frenzy of interest in the Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical fields. Medical researchers have gathered enough clinical evidence to bring L-Arginine to the forefront of modern medicine as an accepted treatment for a variety of human ailments. The L-Arginine phenomenon is changing standard treatment methodologies in heart disease, immune function, adiposity-generated diseases, genetic growth deficiencies, high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, and human ageing.
One small double-blind, crossover study of Arginine found an increase in measured physical arousal among 23 women with female sexual arousal disorder as compared to placebo.
The Chinese consider “horny goat weed” the premier libido-lifter for men and women, and top aid to enhancing female sexual libido.
While the exact way that horny goat weed works remain unknown, the plant has long been employed to restore sexual fire, boost sexual libido, allay fatigue and even alleviate menopausal discomfort. This herb has a two thousand year history of use as a sex-enhancer.
Niacin (B3):
Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin.
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